The Heartbeat of Haverhill

Good News from A Great City Haverhill, MA


Plug Pond

Plug Pond

The Heartbeat of Haverhill started this blog pretty slowly. A year ago November my husband and I participated in a juried photography show at Winnekenni Castle and despite the cold and less than hospitable weather Mayor Fiorentini not only showed up but he outbid me on a silent auction item, photographic notecards that I really liked. I didn’t really know who he was, but I investigated to find out who was after “my” cards. When I learned he was the mayor I went over and thanked him for his attendance and we started to talk. As a relative newcomer, I didn’t know much about our City other than the bad news I regularly heard in the press. So in the course of our conversation I announced that as a marketing professional, I recognized Haverhill’s need for a good news blog. It seemed to me that good things that happen here seldom made the press, in part because sometimes good news is little news. Surely he could find a staffer or intern to write it for him. His reply “Why don’t you write it?”

Park by the Firestation

Park by the Firestation

Well there were a thousand reasons I shouldn’t write it – I was too busy. After decades of ad agency work I was starting my own marketing business and the blog for Alisons Brain4Rent had to take priority. I’d just become a newly custodial step mom with no clue how to tackle that intimidating role, and I had a special needs rabbit and an older dad and dad-in-law who might need me, and well there were groceries to buy and hair appointments to keep, too….Seriously who had time. And I didn’t know the city.

IMG_6829 Haverhill City Dock

A leisurely six months later, I attended the Re-Dedication of Haverhill High School mainly because my stepdaughter was part of the color guard. And I put down my camera just long enough to listen to some really good news about the effort that went into revitalizing a school on the brink of disaster. I’d never seen the disaster, but my stepdaughter enjoys the revitalization. I learned how assorted groups and individuals came together to make it happen while still respecting that the citizens of Haverhill voted against tax increases time and again. I was impressed not only by everything I heard, but also by what I saw, adults and students endeavoring to make a better place for themselves. The ROTC maneuvers, the chorus performance, the people in attendance gladly sharing credit, even the color guard headed up by alums who wanted to see if there was enough interest to revitalize their club, showed me that this was a city with hope and promise. The school looked good, the flowers were blooming, and I was inspired enough to call my mother to say how impressed I was with the city. I’d taken several hundred photos (gotta love digital cameras) and took the leap into commitment and community service. I would write the Good News Blog because there was in fact plenty to write about and these were stories that deserved to be told.

DSC_0532 spring plug pond

Since that time, The Heartbeat of Haverhill has been on a journey of discovery that we share in hope it inspires pride in our city, exploration of all it has to offer, and a commitment to help the city on its path to world domination, okay not world domination, but we’d like to think we could be positioned as the most highly regarded city in the Merrimack Valley, and maybe Massachusetts. Along the way I’ve learned as Dorothy once did that “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”  L. Frank Baum. I also learned that if you carry a camera with a big enough lens you can get in almost anywhere!

And so as a New Year’s bonus we present this retrospective of some of THOH’s favorite images from the past year to encourage all to savor our community! With the access of the internet, the World is listening when any of us speaks about Haverhill. How do we want our city to be viewed? THOH knows how we see it….

Haverhill Has Heart! It’s People.

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Haverhill has Art! (of all kinds)

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Haverhill Has A Story to Tell!

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Haverhill Has Flowers to Smell.

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Haverhill Has A River Run Through It.

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Haverhill Has Animals Flocked to It

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Haverhill Says “Get Up, Go Do It!”

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Haverhill is a Kingdom with its Castle On High

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Haverhill is Home, Stop on By


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(c)2013 by Alison Colby-Campbell


  1. lynnefavreau
    January 5, 2014

    Alison, I want to thank you for the marvelous job you’ve done over the last year. You are a terrific writer, and photographer and this blog is a lovely tribute to the city. You’ve introduced me to new places, posted some of the best pictures of Haverhill I’ve ever seen (I love those swans), and given all of us a fresh perspective on why we can all be proud to live here.

    • Brain4Rent/THoH
      January 5, 2014

      Oh my gosh…thank you for such a lovely comment.You’ve been such a loyal follower of the blog and this response is a big reason I write it – to let people know how much we have going for us here. Thank you Lynne

  2. Lorraine Adams
    January 5, 2014

    I really enjoyed your pictorial review, and appreciate the attention you gave to the Haverhill Garden Club’s annual plant sale in May! There will be another one this year, of course, if the snow and frozen ground allow us access to our garden plants! So nice to see the positive aspects of our city brought to light!

    • Brain4Rent/THoH
      January 5, 2014

      Oh I certainly hope to be back at the plant sale, I actually have very little space to cultivate I live in a town house, but it was made much prettier and product (I got lettuce and cabbage, too), from my visit to the sale. And I won a prize in the raffle! Plus I am most appreciative of your group’s efforts to keep Haverhill looking good! You even plant around the town signs how great is that!

  3. Sharon Netzley
    January 5, 2014

    Beautifully done, Alison!

    • Brain4Rent/THoH
      January 5, 2014

      Thank you for reading; it’s been a wonderful experience and I’m just beginning

  4. jimfiorentini
    January 5, 2014

    Thank you for all you have done to promote our city!

    • Brain4Rent/THoH
      January 5, 2014

      You, too, btw! When you get a chance would love to know, Mr. Mayor, which of all of these is your favorite photo

  5. Bill Dixon
    January 5, 2014

    …Alison, terrific pics and great text. Thank you for showcasing the wonderful places seldom seen in mainstream media. Btw, my favorite pic is Winnekenni Trees, reminds me of Frost’s poem.

    • Brain4Rent/THoH
      January 5, 2014

      Thank you for reading and voting on best photo. It’s great to hear such positive feedback to keep me from googling like a mad woman can you divulge the name of the Frost Poem you referenced. Thanks.

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Alison Colby-Campbell



Full-brain user demonstrating a healthy(?) obsession with marketing, promotion, writing/storytelling, photography, house rabbits, the natural world, big and small problem solving, reading, hiking, HGTV and the flotsam & jetsam of everyday life. My three blogs Brain4Rent, The Heartbeat of Haverhill, Alison Colby-Campbell Photography are Wordpress based.

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